Home License Patents Discussions Links
Current License in Progress:
Executive Summary
Version 0.1.11
Printable 0.1.11
For those with text-based clients:
Table of OPL Options & Pools
Older Snapshots:
Version 0.1.10
Printable 0.1.10
Version 0.1.9
Printable 0.1.9
For the benefit of those using text-based browsers, the following is the table of Options and Pools from the license, rendered as preformatted text. This version of the table may lag a few days behind the current html version, however.

(That's especially true at the moment. I've changed things around a lot and this chart is very much out of date. I'll update it today or tomorrow.) -Mark

|#|When agreeing to this license     |Into these | Afterwards, IP from this   |
| |under this numbered option,       |Open Patent| pool # may be incorporated |
| |the organization is licensing     |Pools:   +-+ into and distributed in:   |
| |in perpetuity:                    |        /                               |
|1|Specified Patents and PLIPs       |1------|Any Open Source work.           |
|2|Specified Patents and PLIPs       |123456-|Any work in which all applicable|
| |                                  |       |patents and PLIPs are available |
| |                                  |       |from this pool number, by any   |
| |                                  |       |organization agreeing to the    |
| |                                  |       |terms and conditions of this    |
| |                                  |       |option number.                  |
+-+----------------------------------+-------+                                |
|3|Specified Patents and PLIPs       |1-3456-|                                |
+-+----------------------------------+-------+                                |
|4|All Software Patents              |1--456-|                                |
| +----------------------------------+-------+                                |
| |All PLIPs                         |1-3456-|                                |
| +----------------------------------+-------+                                |
| |Specified Patents                 |1--456-|                                |
+-+----------------------------------+-------+                                |
|5|All Software Patents              |1--456-|                                |
| +----------------------------------+-------+                                |
| |All PLIPs                         |1-3456-|                                |
| +----------------------------------+-------+                                |
| |Specified Patents                 |1---56-|                                |
| +----------------------------------+-------+                                |
| |All    |More than this|As of:     |1---56-|                                |
| |Patents|many years    |           |       |                                |
| |that   |from the date |           |       |                                |
| |are:   |of invention: |           |       |                                |
| |       +--------------+-----------+       |                                |
| |       |     10       |2005-Jan-01|       |                                |
| |       |      5       |2010-Jan-01|       |                                |
| |       +--------------+-----------+       |                                |
| |       |      2       |2014-Jan-01|       |                                |
| |       +--------------+-----------+       |                                |
| |       |      1       |2018-Jan-01|       |                                |
| |       +--------------+-----------+       |                                |
| |       |      0.5     |2025-Jan-01|       |                                |
| |       +--------------+-----------+       |                                |
| |       |      0       |2030-Jan-01|       |                                |
+-+-------+--------------+-----------+-------+                                |
|6|All Software Patents              |1--456-|                                |
| +----------------------------------+-------+                                |
| |All PLIPs                         |1-3456-|                                |
| +----------------------------------+-------+                                |
| |All remaining Patents             |1----6-|                                |
|7|Specified Patents and PLIPs       |1234567| Any work.                      |

October 16 2000 07:13:33 UTC
Send feedback on this site to Mark Shewmaker